County Clerks come in all forms and levels of authority. Some are elected, some are appointed. Some are clerks to the governing board only and others have responsibilities for carrying out many services for the citizens of the county.  In California and New York, it is discretionary whether counties elect their clerks or appoint them. Of the remaining states, the role either is an appointed position, or does not exist.

Today, County Clerks are generally responsible for maintaining records of all governing body transactions including resolutions and ordinances. They are responsible for keeping records of deeds and marriage licenses and most other public records. They also issue permits for various parades and parties, as well as many licenses.  Another major duty of many elected County Clerks is that of receiving all nominations and petitions for elections. The Clerk also is responsible for preparing ballots, procuring and maintaining voting machines and recruiting and training poll workers and the conduct of all elections.

As an example of the role of the clerk as authorized by law outlines the role of the office as follows:

  • Recorder of the county, on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners

  • Chief election officer responsible for the administration of elections in the

  • Clerk of the Probate Court in handling informal proceedings only

  • Miscellaneous duties including those of notary public, administration of oaths, certification of acknowledgements, declarations, instruments, and protests.

The county clerk is responsible for keeping records, resolutions and ordinances adopted by the Board of County Commissioners. The county clerk also serves as the secretary to the commission and performs all of the following:

  • Records all proceedings of the board and makes regular entries of all resolutions and decisions in all questions that concern the raising of money; records the vote of each commissioner on any question submitted to the board.

  • Signs all orders issued by the board for payment of money, records the action and records the receipts of the county treasurer that show the income and expenditures of the county.